Halloween is this Sunday! As the deadline for costumes approaches, anxiety grows, but here are some tips to have a super snazzy costume:
WEATHER: It's supposed to be in the 60s this weekend, which is some great fall weather… If you're going to be outside, plan for something with a warm layer.
COSTUME IDEAS: Trying to come up with something original (especially last minute) can be super difficult. Here are some questions to ask yourself:
Is it a group or individual costume? How many people?
Are there any mutual interests for everyone? (think tv shows, movies, and celebrities)
Where are you wearing the costume? (If it’s for school Friday, make sure to follow the dress down rules!)
How involved do you want your costume to be?
Does it matter if the costume is comfortable?
IMPORTANT: Make sure that when you are choosing a costume, it doesn't offend any groups of people. Halloween is supposed to be a fun time, not a time where we offend others!
STILL STUCK? There are some great ideas on TikTok! Just search "halloween costume ideas 2021" and take a looksie!
IDEAS: here's a list of some pretty cool costumes to think about!
13 going on 30 (1 or 2 people)
Mean Girls (3-4 people)
Matrix (as many people as you want)
Cheetah Girls (4 people)
Clueless (3 people)
Fairy (as many people as you want)
Barbie (as many people as you want, even a Ken)
Olivia Rodrigo (1 person)
Pennywise (1 person)
Cruella (1 person)
French Revolution inspired (as many people as you want)