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  • Writer's pictureNatalie Ori

2024 -> DC

During the first weekend of November the class of 2024 had the opportunity to travel as a class to Washington DC. The Viz faculty and parents supported the junior class on this trip and wanted the best bonding experience for everyone. The juniors arrived at the St. Louis international airport at 7 am and were off to the east coast bright! As soon as the juniors landed, they visited the capitol and the library of congress. Afterwards, the class made it to the hotel! The next day was filled with sisterhood. Our Viz juniors visited the Visi juniors at the Georgetown visitation. They got to take their classes, shop at their book store, and even have a wonderful tour of the campus. Then, the juniors were sent lose in Georgetown. The girls went shopping, explored, and even visited the college campus of Georgetown. Then, it was dinner time! The following day the class of 2024 traveled out of DC to the battle grounds of Gettysburg, they got to explore and learn about the battle and understand more about the upcoming of the United States. The learning did not stop there, because after their travels to Gettysburg, the class visited the holocaust museum where they had the opportunity to learn as a class of the war and brutality that surrounded it. On the last day, the class went to mass at the beautiful basilica and visited the National Museum of African History and Culture. Lastly, the class had the amazing opportunity to pay their respects to all of the soldiers and hero’s buried in Arlington cemetery, and even witness the honorable changing of the guard at the tomb of the unknown soldier. Then, the class of 2024 was back in St. Louis! This trip was an amazing experience for the junior class and all the bonding they missed was fulfilled while in Washington DC!


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